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Shenzhen Vchuang Technology Company Limited
Leverancier met meerdere specialismen
Belangrijkste producten:Optische frames, zonnebril
Years in industry(9)Minor customizationSample-based customizationODM services available
Shenzhen newtrendvision technogy is located in Shenzhen in south China.It is a specialized manufacturer and seller of eyewear. Our annual export value has reached USD5,000,000 of eyewear and relative goods.
Meanwhile, our products meet the European standards of CE and FDA. Relying on novel designs, great varieties, superior quality and excellent service, our products are selling well in the North American and European, while enjoying great commercial reputation in various countries.
Moreover, our engineers use AutoCAD to design glasses, and can put 30 to 40 new items to the global market, which has helped us further satisfy customers' changing needs by fulfilling their specifications in a positive manner. Additionally, more than 20 R&D staff are working corporately to handle clients' projects. Also, we have more years of ODM/OEM experience, which enables us to increasingly maximize customers' values to a large degree.
Providing quality products, excellent services, competitive prices and prompt delivery, we are now looking forward to even greater cooperation with overseas customers based on mutual benefits. Please feel free to contact us for more information!